The mission of the African American Civil War Memorial and Museum is to correct a great wrong in history which pretty much ignored the heroic role of 209,145 US Colored Troops in ending slavery and keeping America united under one flag.

Hours of Operation

Daily: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Monday & Holidays: Closed

Museum Construction Progress Update!

The renovation of the African American Civil War Memorial Museum is coming along nicely.

Walls and electrical have been framed in 90% of the spaces and sheetrock is going in as we speak.

We look forward to welcoming you to this newly renovated space in July of this year!

Mark your calendars for the Grand Reopening Events centered around our ribbon cutting for the new space on July 18, 2025.

Learn About African American Civil War History

The United States Colored Troops (USCT) played a pivotal role in one of the most important wars in U.S. History. See how they helped end slavery and kept America united under one flag. 


About the AACWM

Founded in 1999, The African American Civil War Memorial Museum (AACWM) shares the largely unknown stories of the USCT who fought for freedom.

The Museum aims to serve as an educational resource for its local, national, and international community. It provides various opportunities for visitors of all ages to learn about the life of African Americans before and after the American Civil War. Americans before and after the American Civil War.

See What's Happening at the AACWM:

Celebrate Juneteenth With the AACWM

Juneteenth’s history and meaning explained by African American Civil War Memorial Museum director.

Frank Smith, the director of the African American Civil War Memorial Museum, explains the origin of Juneteenth and its journey to becoming a national holiday.

Support the Museum

The Museum uses a rich collection of artifacts, documents, primary sources, and technology to create a meaningful learning experience for visitors.


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